Privacy in Pangenomics

392232 Schönhuth Winter 2023/2024 Thu 10-12 in U2-232 (S)


Title Authors Year Journal
A Framework for Adaptive Differential Privacy Daniel Winograd-Cort et al.2017Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
Amadeus Beckmann A Survey on Homomorphic Encryption Schemes: Theory and Implementation Abbas Acar et al. 2018 ACM Computing Surveys
Annalena Franz Blockchain-enabled Federated Learning: A SurveyCheng Li, Yong Yuan, Fei-Yue Wang2021IEEE International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI)
Vignesh Natarajan Blockchain Meets Federated Learning in Healthcare: A Systematic Review With Challenges and OpportunitiesRaushan Myrzashova et al.2023IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL
Mumtaz Hussain Cloud-based Secure Health Monitoring: Optimizing Fully-Homomorphic Encryption for Streaming AlgorithmsAlex Page et al.20142014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)
Deep Learning with Differential PrivacyMartín Abadi et al2016Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Marvin Mrowka Flimma: a federated and privacy-aware tool for differential gene expression analysisOlga Zolotareva et al. 2021 Genome Biology
Gaussian differential privacyJinshuo Dong et al. 2022 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology
Khaled Bagh Mechanisms for Hiding Sensitive Genotypes With Information-Theoretic PrivacyFangwei Ye et al. 2022 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Mika Sempert Privacy challenges and research opportunities for genomic data sharingLuca Bonomi et al.2020Nature GeNetics
Aya Benzine Functional genomics data: privacy risk assessment and technological mitigationGamze Gürsoy et al. 2022Nature Reviews
Privacy-preserving genotype imputation in a trusted execution environmentNatnatee Dokmai et al. 2021 Cell Systems
Secure human action recognition by encrypted neural network inferenceMiran Kim et al. 2022 Nature Communications
Johanna Pries Sequre: a high‑performance framework for secure multiparty computation enables biomedical data sharingHaris Smajlović et al. 2023 Genome Biology
Anna-Lena Rinke Sociotechnical safeguards for genomic data privacyZhiyu Wan et al.2022Nature Reviews
Vali Florinel Craciun Swarm: A federated cloud framework for large-scale variant analysisAmir Bahmani2021PLOS Computational Biology
Kristin Willms Swarm Learning for decentralized and confidential clinical machine learningStefanie Warnat-Herresthal2021Nature

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Time table lecture

Date Topic
12.10.2023 Introduction (slides) Privacy in Healthcare
19.10.2023 How to present (slides) Presentations: Guidelines
26.10.2023 How to write Reports
16.11.2023 Deadline paper selection
14.12.2023 Anna-Lena Rinke
21.12.2023 Khaled Bagh, Vignesh Natarajan
11.01.2024 Aya Benzine, Annalena Franz, Mumtaz Hussain
18.01.2024 Marvin Mrowka, Kristin Willms, Nils Witznick
25.01.2024 Johanna Pries, Vali Florinel Craciun, Amadeus Beckmann
01.02.2024 Mumtaz Hussain

Presentations each start at 9:30 AM.